Adrian Sutton argues that exceptions are not in fact harmful but helpful. I don't know about you, but I'm a stubborn bastard who needs to be right all the time. I've picked a fight, and I plan to win it ;)
Adrian is almost right in his assertion that
Checking return codes adds exactly the same amount of complexity as handling exceptions does - it's one extra branch for every different response to the return code.
but gives the game away with with this comment:
I'd move the exception logic up a little higher by throwing it from this method and catching it above somewhere - where depends on application design and what action will be taken in response to each error.
He's right that exceptions add no more complexity where they are thrown or where they are finally dealt with. It's the code in-between that gets hurt.
It's the code in-between that suddenly has code-paths that can trigger on any line of code. It's the code in-between that has to be written defensively according to an arms treaty that it did not sign and for which it is not aware of the text. It is the code in-between that suffers and pays.
This article is what got many of us so paranoid about exception handling. It is referenced in this boost article supportive of the use of exceptions under the "Myths and Superstitions" section but which doesn't address my own central point of increased number of code paths. Interestingly, in its example showing that exceptions don't make it more difficult to reason about a program's behaviour they cite a function that uses multiple return statements and replace it with exceptions. Both are smelly in my books.
Code should be simple. Branches should be symmetrical. Loops and functions should have one a single point of return. If you break these rules already then exceptions might be for you.
Personally, they form a significant part of my coding practice. I take very seriously the advice attributed to Brian W. Kernighan:
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
Adrian also picks up my final points about how to program with the most straightforward error checking, and perhaps I should have worded my final paragraphs more clearly to avoid his confusion. I don't like threads (that share data). They do cause similar code path blowouts and comprehensibility problems as do exceptions unless approached with straightforward discipline (such as a discipline of message-passing-only between threads). Dealing with the operating system can't be written off so easily, and my note towards the end of my original post was meant to convey my sentiment of "exceptions are no good elsewhere, and if the only place you can still argue their valid use is when dealing with the operating system... well... get a life" :) Most software is far more internally-complex than it is complex along its operating system boundary. If you want to use exceptions there, feel free. Just don't throw them through other classes. I personally think that exceptions offer no better alternative to return code checking in that limited environment.