Today's entry in my series of "programming is evil" topics, we have exceptions. Yup. They're evil.
Good code minimises branches. Particularly, it minimises branches that can't be exercised easily with testing. Testability is a good indicator of clean design. If you can't get prod an object sufficiently with its public interface to get decent coverage of its internal logic, changes are you need to break up your class or do something similarly drastic. Good design is testable (despite testable design not always being good).
Enter exceptions. Exceptions would not be the complete vilest of sins ever inflicted on computer software except for the terrible error some programmers make of catching them. It isn't possible to write a class that survives every possible excpetion thrown through its member functions while maintaining consistent internal state. It just isn't. Whenever you catch an exception your data structures are (almost) by definition screwed up. This is the time when you stop executing your program and offer your sincerest apologies to your user.
Unfortunately, that's not always what happens. Some people like to put a "catch all exceptions" statement somewhere near the top of their program's stack. Perhaps it is in the main. Perhaps it is in an event loop. Even if you die after catching that exception you've thrown away the stack trace, the most useful piece of information you had available to you to debug your software.
Worse still, some people catch excpetions and try to keep executing. This guarantees errant behaviour will occur only in subtle and impossible to track ways, and ensures that any time an error becomes visible the cause of it is lost to the sands of time.
The worst thing that catching an exception does, though, is add more paths through your code. An almost infinite number of unexpected code paths sprouts in your rich soil of simplicilty, stunting all possible growth. Pain in the arse exceptions.
To minimise paths through your code, just follow a few simple guidelines:
- Make everything you think should be a branch in your code a precondition instead
- Assert all your preconditions
- Proivde functions that client objects can use to determine ahead of time whether they meet your preconditions
In cases where the state of preconditions can change between test and execute, return some kind of lock object (where possible) to prevent it. Of course multiple threads are evil too, and for many of the same reasons. When dealing with the operating system, just use the damn return codes ;)