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Sat, 2004-Oct-16

Exceptions are evil

Today's entry in my series of "programming is evil" topics, we have exceptions. Yup. They're evil.

Good code minimises branches. Particularly, it minimises branches that can't be exercised easily with testing. Testability is a good indicator of clean design. If you can't get prod an object sufficiently with its public interface to get decent coverage of its internal logic, changes are you need to break up your class or do something similarly drastic. Good design is testable (despite testable design not always being good).

Enter exceptions. Exceptions would not be the complete vilest of sins ever inflicted on computer software except for the terrible error some programmers make of catching them. It isn't possible to write a class that survives every possible excpetion thrown through its member functions while maintaining consistent internal state. It just isn't. Whenever you catch an exception your data structures are (almost) by definition screwed up. This is the time when you stop executing your program and offer your sincerest apologies to your user.

Unfortunately, that's not always what happens. Some people like to put a "catch all exceptions" statement somewhere near the top of their program's stack. Perhaps it is in the main. Perhaps it is in an event loop. Even if you die after catching that exception you've thrown away the stack trace, the most useful piece of information you had available to you to debug your software.

Worse still, some people catch excpetions and try to keep executing. This guarantees errant behaviour will occur only in subtle and impossible to track ways, and ensures that any time an error becomes visible the cause of it is lost to the sands of time.

The worst thing that catching an exception does, though, is add more paths through your code. An almost infinite number of unexpected code paths sprouts in your rich soil of simplicilty, stunting all possible growth. Pain in the arse exceptions.

To minimise paths through your code, just follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. Make everything you think should be a branch in your code a precondition instead
  2. Assert all your preconditions
  3. Proivde functions that client objects can use to determine ahead of time whether they meet your preconditions

In cases where the state of preconditions can change between test and execute, return some kind of lock object (where possible) to prevent it. Of course multiple threads are evil too, and for many of the same reasons. When dealing with the operating system, just use the damn return codes ;)


Sat, 2004-Oct-16

The evil observer pattern

There are some design patterns that one can take a lifetime to get right. The state pattern is one of these. As you build up state machines with complicated sub-states and resources that are required in some but not all states some serious decisions have to be made about how to manage the detail of the implementation. Do you make your state objects flyweight? How do you represent common state? When and how are state objects created and destroyed? For some time I've thought that the observer pattern was one of these patterns that simply take experience to get right. Lately I've been swinging from that view. I've now formed the view that the observer pattern itself is the problem. Before I start to argue my case, I think we have to look a little closer at what observer is trying to achieve.

The Observer pattern is fairly simple in concept. You start with a client object that is able to navigate to a server object. The client subscribes to the server object using a special inherited interface class that describes the calls that can be made back upon the client. When events occur, client receives the callbacks.

Observer is often talked about in the context of the Model-View-Controller mega-pattern, where the model object tells the controller about changes to its state as they occur. It is also a pattern crucial to the handling of asynchronous communications and actions in many cases, where an object will register with a scheduler to be notified when it can next read or write to its file descriptor. I developed a system in C++ for my current place of employment very much based around this concept. Because each object is essentially an independent entity connected to external stimulus via observer patterns they can be seen to live a live on their own, decoupled nicely.

The problems in the observer pattern start to emerge when you questions like: "When do I deregister from the server object?" and "If this observation represents the state of some entity, should I get a callback immediately?" and "If I am the source of this change event, how I should I update my own state to reflect the change?".

The first question is hairier than you might think. In C++ you start to want to create reference objects to ensure that objects deregister before they are destroyed. Even in a garbage-collected system this pattern starts to cause reference leaks and memory growth. It's a pretty nasty business, really.

The second two questions are even more intriguing. I've settled on a policy of no immediatle callbacks and (where possible) no external notification of a change I've caused. The reasons for this are tied up with objects still being on the stack when they recieve notifications of changes, and also with the nature of how an object wants to update itself often chaning subtly between a purely external event (caused by another object) and one that this object is involved in.

I've begun to favour a much more wholistic approach to the scenarios that I've used observer patterns for in the past. I'm leaning towards something much more like the Erlang model. Virtual concurrency. Message queues. Delayed execution. I've built a little trial model for future work in my professional capacity that I hope to integrate into some of the work already in-place, but the general concept is as follows: We define a straightforward message source and sink pair of baseclasses. We devise a method of connecting sources and sinks. Each stateful object has some sources which provide data to other objects, and some sinks to recieve updates on.

Once connected, the sources are able to recieve updates, but instead of updating their main object, they register their object with a scheduler to ensure that it is eventually reevaluated. In the mean-time it clears an initial flag that can be used to avoid processing uninitilised input, and sets a changed flag that can be used by the object to avoid duplicate processing.

I'm working on making it a little more efficient and straightforward to use in the context of existing framework, but I'm confident that it will feature prominently in future development.

Because of its ties with HMI-related code, this will probably also make an appearance in TransactionSafe. As it is, I developed the ideas at home with TransactionSafe first, before moving the concept to code someone else owns. Since I'll be working more and more on HMI-related code at work, TransactionSafe may become a testbed for a number of concepts I'm going to use elsewhere.

I actually haven't had the chance to do much python-hacking of late due to illness and being completely worn-out. I don't know if I'll get too much more done before my holidays, but I'll try to get a few hours invested each week.
