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Thu, 2007-Aug-30

URI vs Resource

The concept of a resource is central to REST theory, but when talking about REST I rarely mention it. This may look like an oversight or a mistake, but it is deliberate. Let's walk through a sample conversation with a new developer about REST:

So tell me about this "REST" thing
Oh, it's great. It's so simple. It stands for representational state transfer. It's an architectural style with a bunch of constraints: Client/Server, Stateless between requests, Explicit cache control, Uniform Interface, Layering, Identification of resources, Manipulation via representations, Self-descriptive messages, Hypermedia as the engine of application state, and optional code on demand.
Wha wha wha?
Oh, the central tenant is resources. They're whatever you want them to be. They're only accessable via their URI and exchanged representations...
What on earth is a representation? Hang, on... I think I know what a URL is.. but...
But there's this whole question about whether resources with different URLs can be the "same" resource. Then there is the issue of whether you can have different representations of the same resource at different URLs, say the RSS and ATOM versions of a news feed.
OK. I'm going off to write some WSDL, now.

That conversation and the jargon around REST is a high barrier to entry that may be useful to computer scientists, but generally don't help architects or developers very much. In fact, I think the whole Resource/URL/Representation issue is an incredible waste of time and bandwidth for all concerned. The vague notion of a resource independent of identification and representation frankly doesn't add anything to our understanding of architecture.

Here is the conversation I try to have with developers or junior architects:

So tell me about this "REST" thing
It's great. You do what you would do in your existing SOA world, except you modify the interface a bit. Each time you define a new WSDL you make your app incompatible with other apps, but if you break up that WSDL interface into smaller objects with a preexisting interface other apps can more easily interact with yours.
Wha wha wha?
Just like multiple methods can modify the same data, operations on different URLs can retrieve and modify overlapping data. These operations should normally be either GET or PUT, but the important thing is that there is an architecture-wide catalogue of these operations and the data formats they transfer. We call REST "REST" for "Representational State Transfer". It's just jargon for "transferring information as well-known data types using retrieval and update operations". There are a few more constraints, but for the most part they are encapsulated by restricting yourself to GET and PUT.
What on earth is a representation? Hang, on... I think I know what a URL is.. but...
So you get awesome interoperability. The methods and data format are all controlled centrally, so two applications that share the same data model will very likely end up using the same data formats and methods. The result? Applications work together unexpectedly. Not only that, but you get awesome evolveability. You can deploy an app today, and without ever upgrading it you can keep it working with other applications. You can dynamically modify which URLs it interacts with using redirection. You can deal with its data formats becoming superseded through content negotiation. Method evolution is much harder, but methods are more stable and changes to the set of methods usually take backwards-compatibility into account. You get awesome visibility and control over the communications on the wire, awesome performance optimisation through caching, a great common vocabulary for talking about interfaces with other developers and architects... man... it's all upside.
OK. I'm going off to write some WSDL, now.

While you may not convince your co-workers on the first day, you need to at least meet them where they are today. You have to be able to talk about how REST affects the way they do things, now. One thing your co-workers don't care about and will likely never care about is the abstract notion of what a resource is. If they understand what a URL is, and they understand the interaction through standard data formats that REST affords there is really nothing more to understand.

Can the same resource be available at two resources? No. There is no point distinguishing between a resource and the URL it is provided at. If you have two URLs you have two resources. These resources may be equivalent for some specific purposes, but that is not to say they are the same. If their identifiers are different, they are not the same. Can representations of the same resource be available under multiple URLs? No. They are different URLs, so they are different resources that relate to the same underlying application data.
