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Sun, 2007-Jul-08

HTTP Response Codes

There are too many HTTP response codes.

One of the first questions asked when someone tries to develop an enterprise system around is which of these codes is important to support in client applications. The short answer is "all of them", but it comes down to which codes mean something to your application. The following table summarises my defaults for automated clients. Drop me a line if you have comments or suggestions, <benjamincarlyle at>. Codes are from rfc2616, HTTP/1.1:

CodeReason PhraseTreatment
100 Continue Indeterminate
101 Switching Protocols Indeterminate
1xx Any other 1xx code Failed
200 OK Success
201 Created Success
202 Accepted Success
203 Non-Authoritative Information Success
204 No Content Success
205 Reset Content Success
206 Partial Content Success
2xx Any other 2xx code Success
300 Multiple Choices Failed
301 Moved Permanently Indeterminate
302 Found Indeterminate
303 See Other Indeterminate
304 Not Modified Success
305 Use Proxy Indeterminate
307 Temporary Redirect Indeterminate
3xx Any other 3xx code Failed
400 Bad Request Failed
401 Unauthorized Indeterminate
402 Payment Required Failed
403 Forbidden Failed
404 Not Found Success if request was DELETE, else Failed
405 Method Not Allowed Failed
406 Not Acceptable Failed
407 Proxy Authentication Required Indeterminate
408 Request Timeout Failed
409 Conflict Failed
410 Gone Success if request was DELETE, else Failed
411 Length Required Failed
412 Precondition Failed Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large Failed
414 Request-URI Too Long Failed
415 Unsupported Media Type Failed
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Failed
417 Expectation Failed Failed
4xx Any other 4xx code Failed
500 Internal Server Error Failed
501 Not Implemented Failed
502 Bad Gateway Failed
503 Service Unavailable Repeat
504 Gateway Timeout Repeat if request is idempotent, else Failed
505 HTTP Version Not Supported Failed
5xx Any other 5xx code Failed


The client SHOULD repeat this request, taking into account any delay specified in the response. If the client chooses not to repeat the request, it MUST treat the transaction as a failed.
Do not repeat. The client SHOULD treat this as a successful transaction, however specific codes may require more subtle interpretation in unusual environments.
Do not repeat unchanged. A new request that takes the response into account MAY be generated. The client SHOULD treat this as a failed transaction if a new request cannot be generated, however specific codes may require more subtle interpretation in unusual environments.
Do not repeat unchanged, but this code MUST be understood. A new request that takes the response into account SHOULD be generated. If the client is unable to generate a new request this code MUST be treated as Failed.


Redirection is essential to the identifier evolution mechanism in the uniform interface. Consider a typical client: It consists of configuration and code that enables it to interact with resources elsewhere in the network. However, the configuration may become out of date if it is installed in a client that runs over a very long period of time. The url spaces the client is configured to interact with may be restructured. Redirection response codes allow the servers that provide a particular url space to reconfigure their clients and allow them to keep operating.

Note that the HTTP specification requires reasonable limits to be placed on redirection, and demands human confirmation in cases where redirection might cause the request to mean something different to what the client intended. The right way to deal with this is usually to allow the user to define limits to the way redirection is handled. For example, a redirection profile may be supplied that only allows redirection to urls that have the same domain name as the original url. Redirection loops also need to be explicitly defeated.

Some commentary:

CodeReason PhraseCommentary
100 Continue I'm not a fan of this code. It adds latency to valid transactions, optimising for the uncommon failure case. It adds a "multi-callback" mechanism. It returns multiple responses for a single request. I have put this kind of mechanism into place in proprietary systems I have developed. Unfortunately, this multi-callback mechanism isn't implemented in any kind of general way. My experience from building systems with multi-callbacks also suggests that they don't really work in fast-failover high availability environments without an excessively-expensive keep-alive mechanism.
101 Switching Protocols An upgrade path to WAKA or HTTP/2.0, if it ever arrives. Personally, I think we'll still have devices speaking HTTP/1.x (possibly still HTTP/1.0) in a fifty to a hundred years. Any protocol that hopes to displace HTTP/1.x has to do so on the Web to be successful. That's a huge undertaking.
200 OK Yay, success
201 Created Equivalent to 200 OK for a PUT. When returned from POST includes a useful Location field. However, POST is non-idempotent and unsafe. My preference is not to use it, especially in pure machine-to-machine architectures.
202 Accepted It is hard to know what to do with this code. It is equivalent to an SMTP-style store-and-forward. The best that an automated client can do is assume success. Perhaps a way to retrieve the real response asynchronously will be devised some day.
203 Non-Authoritative Information Only useful for GETs, and returned by a proxy.
204 No Content This is really a terrible code. It tells a HTTP response parser not to expect a body, meaning that there is really no other way to say this. It would be nice to separate out the content/no-content decision from the response code. It has the side-effect (or main purpose, depending on your perspective) of telling a web browser not to replace the current page.
205 Reset Content This is another brower-directed code. It doesn't really make sense for automated clients, except at yet-another-success code.
206 Partial Content Success for a partial GET, an artifact of not knowing in advance whether the server supports such a thing. This sort of thing reveals the evolution that HTTP has gone through over the years, and is a bit creaky. However, that evolution also demonstrates the essential method evolution mechanisms available in HTTP.
300 Multiple Choices Content negotiation by different URLs. Possibly not the best approach, but content negotiation is essential for an architecture that has an evolving content-type pool. 300 Multiple Choices, or the Accept header? So far Accept seems to be out in front. The main weakness of this code is probably the lack of a defined automatic negotiation mechanism. Automated clients can't really make use of this code.
301 Moved Permanently Essential identifier evolution code
302 Found More identifier tweaking
303 See Other A request in two parts: A second request is required to retrieve the result of the first. Is this a better "202 Accepted"? Perhaps the second request can return 503 Service Unavailable until the response is ready.
304 Not Modified This response code is specific to GET, and indicates that the client already has an up-to-date representation of the resource state. It isn't relevant to other response codes, and is essentially another success code.
305 Use Proxy This is a potentially neat way to introduce an intermediary. Do you need to introduce a specialised authenticating proxy? Perhaps you want to introduce a proxy to validate schemas, and otherwise police service-level agreements. If clients understand this code, all of this is possible.
307 Temporary Redirect Another useful code. Not sure you are ready to commit to a permanent move? Do you need to set up a temporary service during transitional arrangements? Ensuring clients support this code allows freedom in how services are managed during these times.
400 Bad Request This is where things get boring for automated clients. A typical automated client knows what request it wants to make to which URL. If the server is unable to process the request for any but the simplest of reasons, there is nothing a typical client can do. Log the failure, and do your best to continue working. Only a human can really fix many of these problems, so distinguishing between them in a machine-readable way doesn't carry as much value as you might think. In those cases the reason phrase or enclosed entity will be of more use than the code itself.
401 Unauthorized This code is used when an automated client doesn't want to supply credentials by default. It gets the code, and retries with credentials. If that doesn't work the client can try any alternate credentials it might have, but this set is typically limited.
402 Payment Required Don't use, doesn't work. Maybe one day the whole Web will work like the Web we see on mobile phone networks, where we have a pay-per-view controlled content world. I'm sure there are interests out there who want this. From an economic perspective it seems likely that there will eventually be some level of consolidation and reorganisation of the supply relationship on the Web. However, for now different channels are in use when payment is required.
403 Forbidden "Please don't call again". An automated client can't do anything with this code, except give up.
404 Not Found Give up, client... unless you were trying to DELETE. If you were, you just might have succeeded.
405 Method Not Allowed Please try a different method... for "GET"? If the client want to participate in a GET interaction, another interaction won't do as a substitute. This method may allow for evolution in the method-space of HTTP, so probably isn't a complete write-off. However, the set of methods in HTTP is fairly stable. It needs to be.
406 Not Acceptable I can't interact with you. Give up.
407 Proxy Authentication Required Similar to 401 Unauthorised: useful.
408 Request Timeout This method looks like 503 Service Unavailable, but indicates that the client is at fault. Should this be a "Repeat" or "Failed" response? It's hard to tell. The spec certainly allows for a repeat, but if the client continues to fail to deliver its request on time the response will continue to be returned. I'm 50/50 about this. If you can't get your request through once, perhaps the chances of ever getting it right seem less than certain.
409 Conflict "You can't send this request now, but maybe if something changes you can try again. It's not you, it's me. Can we still be friends?". Don't put up with it. Dump that server. Log it, and move on.
410 Gone Your configuration is out of date. What's a client to do, but give up? Again, log it and leave it.
411 Length Required "You aren't giving me enough information to proceed". Well? That's how I was written. Nothing you can do.
412 Precondition Failed "You asked me to do this only if that was true. Well, it wasn't.". Is it a success code because the request was fully fulfilled, or a failure? This code can be used to resolve conflicts in environment, but your client has to know how to resolve conflicts. That typically involves consulting a user. If you didn't ask for this code you won't get it. If you did ask for it, you'll know what to do with it.
413 Request Entity Too Large "Ha, stopped at the firewall". Log it and give up.
414 Request-URI Too Long Ditto
415 Unsupported Media Type Is this a code for content negotiation of a PUT request, or simply to refuse to accept a particular Content-Encoding header. The lack of a list of acceptable content types suggests that is only the latter. You might be able to resubmit in a way the server might accept, but your chances are slim. You and the server don't seem to be on the same page, and submitting request after request to figure out how to communicate isn't necessarily going to help.
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Specific to Range request header. If you didn't ask for it, you won't get it. You need to forget about partial GETs for the moment and figure out where you are at again with the server.
417 Expectation Failed The client requested a particular extension or set of extensions to the protocol that the server doesn't support. What do you do? Why did you need the extension? Are these kinds of extension valuable enough to offset the complexity involved in dealing with older servers? Besides: Must-understand is so passé.
500 Internal Server Error HTTP tries to be nice in separating out things that are the server's fault and things that are the client's fault. Unfortunately, we have already seen cases where the classification is ambiguous. Worse, whether the client or server is at fault isn't all that useful a classification for automated clients. It is more important to know whether it can retry the request safely, or not. Internal Server Error is no good for this. It will often have come from back-stop exception handling code in the web server, or something equally generic. Something might have happened. The whole operation might have been wholely successful, or not at all. The only thing we can figure out as a client is that reissuing the request isn't a solution. If we are extremely lucky it might actually help, but trying is just going to mask a problem and increase network traffic. This is one to give up on.
501 Not Implemented How this differs from 405 Method Not Allowed is a bit of a fine point, and the two responses should be treated the same way. This one indicates that no resource provided by this server supports the method. In the modern days of servlets this is a hard statement to make. It seems like 405 Method Not Allowed is the right answer when a method is not implemented by a particular resource. Unfortunately, 405 requires that we also list the methods that are valid to use... not that the client is likely to be able to make use of this list. Generating this list and keeping it in sync with reality is harder that you might assume in various web frameworks: Rock, hard place.
502 Bad Gateway The proxy or gateway you are talking to thinks that the next server up the line doesn't speak valid HTTP. The request was sent, but did it work? Unknown. We know that the same thing is likely to happen if we resubmit the request, so we need to give up.
503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily down, and may provide instruction about when to retry. This can be a useful code that all clients should support.
504 Gateway Timeout This code is very similar to 502 Bad Gateway. In the 502 case our proxy didn't understand the response from the upstream server. In 504, it didn't receive the response. Either way, the request was sent. Either way, we don't know what happened. However 504 models a reasonably common case of a server failing during a request. For this reason it is useful to generate from libraries that speak HTTP on behalf of any server that times out. Retrying makes sense in this environment, though care should be taken to avoid retrying forever. After all, it may be a real timeout. Perhaps the server simply can't process your request and return a response in the time being allocated to it. This highlights a weakness in HTTP whereby the behaviour of a failed server can be aliased with the behaviour of a slow server. A better solution to detecting server death would be to send keep-alive messages down the connection at regular intervals ahead of the pending response. The exact solution could be a client-initiated ping while requests are outstanding, and pong messages are returned before the response. Alternatively, a standard-mandated but configurable HELO message that is sent at a regular interval would do. TCP keepalive in one or more directions may be a way to achieve this without fundamental protocol changes. A server that is processing a long request but can still maintain ping traffic won't be confused with a dead server. If the server is stuck in some kind of tight loop but continues to manage keepalives it is up to something on the server side to eventually kill it off and fix the problem for the client. This is what I call a "High Availability profile for HTTP", supporting individual clients with fast failover requirements.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported You no speak-a the HTTP? Give up.
