The verbs in a typical RESTful system are fairly simple and easy to understand. PUT, GET, and DELETE are conceptually straightforward. A client sets the state of a named resource. A client retrieves the state of a named resource. A client destroys a named resource. However, the devil is in the detail.
The Linguistic Perspective, or the Uniform Interface?
It is tempting to view REST from a linguistic perspective. We can say things like "we are trading more nouns for fewer verbs", and take the Web as an example as to why this is a good thing. However, it is difficult from a purely linguistic perspective to see exactly where the goodness comes from. Why is it better to have more nouns and less verbs? Where does the uniform interface fit into this? Do I have a uniform interface when I use uniform verbs, or is something more required?
I like to turn this analysis around. Instead of starting with the linguistic perspective, I start from the uniform interface perspective. Let me define the uniform interface:
We have a uniform interface when every component within an architecture can arbitrarily and successfully engage in an authorized interaction with another component in the architecture without prior planning.
The Uniform Interface and REST
In REST we divide the set of components in our architecture into clients and servers. Clients are anonymous and unaddressable in the general case. Servers contain resources that are addressable. When I say every component can talk to every other component we already have to take this with a pinch of salt. In REST we can talk about every client being able to interact with every resource.
We can add another pinch of salt: It isn't always meaningful or sensible for a particular client to talk to a particular server. They might move in different machine "social circles", and talk about different kinds of things. They may develop their own jargon and sub-culture. In fact, machines tend to follow the needs and inclinations of their human users. The fact that machines tend to cluster in sub-architectures shouldn't come as any kind of surprise. It isn't always going to be meaningful for a Web-enabled coffee machine to talk directly to a nuclear power plant's monitoring system. It isn't always going to make sense for a personal video recorder who is only interested in program listings to talk to a weather service.
This means that we can only really talk about the uniform interface in terms of any client of a sub-architecture being able to engage in authorized interactions with any resource in the same sub-architecture. Sub-architectures overlap in the same way that sub-cultures do, so this statement about the nature of uniform interfaces is a fairly fluid one. Value is achieved by participating in the largest sub-architectures, and by keeping down the overall number of sub-architectures your software participates in.
The Uniform Interface and Protocol
Now that we are looking from the uniform interface perspective, it pays to take another look at our verbs. It soon becomes apparent that "GET" is not enough. We need our client and server to agree on a lot more than that verb in order to interact. Client and server must agree on a protocol. The whole of the message fashioned by the client needs to fits with the server's mechanisms for interpreting that message. More-over the response that the server generates is part of the interaction. The client must be able to process the message that the server returned to it.
With the uniform interface view firmly in our minds, we can look back over the mechanisms that REST uses to decouple parts of its protocols. In a sense, it might not matter that we decouple identification from verbs and from content type. If one protocol governs a particular sub-architecture, it doesn't matter how it is composed. It only matters that the components of that sub-architecture can speak the protocol.
However, taking this perspective misses one of the key features of the REST style: It is designed to allow our protocol to evolve. Experience suggests that controlling the specification of the URI, the transport protocol (including verbs, headers, and response codes), and content types provides excellent characteristics for evolution.
Participating in sub-architecture
REST is the style for a new kind of architecture. In days of yore we might have expected that we would replace the architecture of our old system with each new system we deploy. We could afford in those days to rip out systems wholesale, and replace them with new systems. I suggest that this is no longer the case. It is increasingly important to be able to replace systems within an architecture, rather than replacing the architecture per se. Other systems need to be able to deal with evolution within their architecture. Protocols and architecture need to be well beyond SOA-class. They need to be Web-class, and Web-style.
Looking back from the uniform perspective lets us see the linguistic debate in a new light. Of course it is possible to introduce new verbs If we are willing to break the uniform interface. Of course this allows us to map the interactions we have within our system onto fewer resources or network-exposed objects. However, doing so greatly harms our opportunities for network effects. Our sub-architecture is reduced to the set of components that directly speak this new protocol we define, and there is reduced opportunity for servers and clients to participate in overlapping sub-architectures. The exact balance between nouns and verbs is a matter for ongoing community debate, but using custom verbs where standard ones would do is an essentially indefensible approach. Just by introducing the necessary resources is possible to prevent divergence from the uniform interface. It is possible to increase the value, evolvability, and overall maturity of your solution. You can always map the methods of these resources onto a smaller set of objects behind the protocol curtain.
The balance between nouns and verbs is a matter for the community that governs a particular architecture. Going it alone is counter-productive, potentially risky, and usually unnecessary. Instead of looking to custom verbs, think more about your content types. That is where most of the real challenges of protocol evolution and maturity lie.