Today's take-homes:
- Different vocabulary is required to solve different domain-specific problems
- It is a necessary requirement when you lift the level of abstraction that you are programming in that you are lifting it towards one place and away from another
- The away is the existing implementation technology
- The towards is the language you use to write requirements in a particular problem domain
I have been reading a book during recent business trips to Melbourne called Software Factories. It is written by Jack Greenfield, Keith Short, Steve Cook, and Stuart Kent. It can be found as ISBN 0-471-20284-3. I borrowed my copy from WRSA V&V heavy, Brenton Atchison.
The main premise of the book is that we need to be developing better, more reliable, and more industrial software through reuse. It notes the failure to date of Object-Oriented approaches to reuse, and attempts to forumlate a path out of the wilderness based on domain specific languages and modelling techniques. It uses a quote from Michael Jackson:
Because we don't talk about problems, we don't analyze or classify them, and we slip into the childish belief that there can be universal development methods, suitable for solving all development problems.
In its chapter on "Dealing with Complexity" this book nails a design principle I had so far never quite expressed clearly. It talks about refinement and abstraction, implementation and requirements as part of a continuum. If you start at the top of a development with a set of requirements and end up with an implementation, the difference between these two specifications can be called an abstraction gap. If the requirements were complete and consistent, why can't they be executed? Simply because they are not code?
Consider that what we think of as code today is not what executes on our physical machines. Software Factories suggests that we should think of our code as as a specification for a compiler. The compiler automatically constructs machine code from that specification making a number of design decisions about how to optimise for space and time along the way. It also transforms our input to improve its efficiency. In other words, it is an automated way of crossing the abstraction gap between our code and the machine's code.
This sets out a general principle for good design, whether the design be encapsulated in a Domain-Specific Language or a General Purpose Language: The purpose of design is to provide language constructs, classes, and other features that lift the level of abstraction from the basic language and library you start with to specific concepts in the requirements domain. The closer you can get to the concepts in the requirements domain, the better.
I happened to overhear a conversation between two co-workers early on in the SystematICS software development. One was trying to explain the difference between a design I had proposed and the implementation the other was trying to write. They said that when I talked about a particular concept being in the code I meant that it was a literal class, not a fuzzy concept held across several classes. It is important in any kind of design to ensure that the constructs you define map directly to concepts in the requirements specification, or enable those direct mappings to be made in other constructs.