Last week I posted my responses to a number of common REST questions. Today I realised that one of my responses needs some clarification. I wrote:
On swapping: This is something of an edge case, and this sort of thing comes up less often than you think when you are designing RESTfully from the start. The canonical approach would be to include the position of the resource as part of its content. PUTting over the top of that position would move it. This is messy because it crosses between noun and content spaces. Introducing a SWAP operation is also a problem. HTTP operates on a single resource, so there is no unmunged way to issue a SWAP request. Any such SWAP request would have to assume both of the resources of the unordered list are held by the same server, or that the server of one of these resources was able to operate on the ordered list.
I think a useful data point on this question can be found in this email I sent to the rest-discuss list today:
Here, I think the answer is subtly wrong due to the question itself containing a subtle bug. The question assumes that it is meaningful to move a resource from one url to another: that the resource has one canonical name at one time and another at another time. However, cool urls don't change.
The question reveals a bug in the underlying URL-space. If it is possible for a vehicle to move from one fleet to another, then its name should not include the fleet it belongs to. The fleet it belongs to should instead be part of the content. That way, changing the fleet is the same kind of operation as changing any other attribute of the vehicle.
The long and the short of it is that anything not forming the identity of a resource should not be part of that resource's URL. The URL's structure should not be used to imply relationships between resources. That is what hyperlinking is for. Whenever you think you have to move a resource from one part of the uri-space to another, you should reconsider your uri-space. It contains a bug.
Ordered lists can exist, but these are resources in their own right and either contain urls in their representations or include the representation of the list contents. A PUT is the correct way to update such a list, replacing its content. This should not change the name of any resource. For optimisation or collision-avoidance reasons it may be appropriate to perform your PUT to a resource that represents only the subset of the list you intend to modify. Alternatively, it may also be appropriate to consider reviving the PATCH http method as a form of optimised PUT.
The fact that PATCH was effectively never used does tell us that this kind of issue comes up rarely in existing REST practice. Perhaps as REST moves beyond the simple HTML web of today the question of content restructuring will become more important. I don't know. What is important, I think, is not to forget the cool URI lesson. Don't include information in a URL no matter how structural unless you can convince yourself that changing or removing that information would cause the URL to refer to a different resource.