I've just read an email from Savas Parastatidis on the RESTfulness or not of AJAX. Savas perhaps has an agenda in his writing that REST is not sufficient to do what industry really wants to do with the internet. Together with Jim Webber he's been working on MEST (formerly ProcessMessage). MEST is an attempt to use REST ideas to give SOA and SOAP generally more life and longer legs.
A lot has been invested by various companies into SOAP infrstracture, so it is reasonble that those who have been backing that horse continue to try and make it work. History is full of differing technical solutions ultimately merging rather than supplanting each other entirely. It makes sense to think that what might come out of the current mix of web service styles is something that is neither REST nor SOAP, and MEST is an attempt to be that something.
Overall, I'm unconvinced by SOAP. My comment via return email was as follows:
In the end the constraints of REST are that everyone understands your messages/media-type/whatever. If that constraint proves to be accurate on the internet then it won't be possible to reach all users of the internet without a general-purpose and non-specific message set. This tension between explaining specifics sufficient for the client to be able to reason about message content and describing things generically enough that all clients can render or otherwise process the message is a difficult one to resolve. The more specific you get the better your target audience understands you, and the smaller your target audience can possibly be.
I think that trying to nail down schema issues and deal with very specific message types is an impossible mission on the internet where you don't control and distribute the client software your users have installed. Ultimately I think that on the internet scale you need to give your client a document of standard media type to work with. If that document explains how to fill out the very complex and specific form you need submitted back to you, then that's great. Just don't expect client software to understand how to do it unless you provide those necessary hints. Don't expect client software to be written to your API. Write AJAX, or XForms to make that happen.
Thinking about different architectural styles further, I made this comment:
Personally, when I think of software architecture the most important issues that come to mind are that of client and server. The client wants something done, and the server is capable of doing it. The client is responsible for acting or retrying or whatever is necessary until the server acknowledges completion of the activity or moves into a state consistent with compeltion of the activity. To me distributed software achitecture is primarily about synchronisation of that state, which comes back somewhat to pub/sub. You request something be done. You get an ack indicating that your request has been accepted, and you monitor some state on the server side until it changes to what you want it to be. This view of architecture is the reason I keep thinking about and worrying about the lack of a pub/sub system that I'm confident works on the internet.
I hereby declare the existence of another architectural style. I don't have a good name for it yet. RESS - REpresentational State Synchronisation or just SYNC, maybe. It is designed to support complex requests but not encourage complex message interactions. It is designed to put power into the hands of clients to determine when and under what conditions their request can be said to be complete. The constraints of this style are as follows:
- State and is synchronised from server resources to client according to standard interaction patterns
- Requests and synchronised state use standard media types
- Requests made from client to server resources are constructable from data available to the client
The following axis are not constrained:
- Agents may be included to act on behalf of a client. The client may monitor the agent or the origin server to assess completion of the request and compare the result against success criteria.
- Caches can (and should) be part of the synchronisation pattern
- I'm not yet prepared to constrain client to using standard methods. I think that the method used and the media type should be decided by the server, typically by providing an XForm to the client that indicates how to build the request the client wants.
It is currently pretty-much REST. I've weakened the constraint of using standard methods because I'm not convinced that the POST-abuse path is any better... but maybe I can be talked around on the practicalities of this point. The main difference is a focus on state synchronisation rather than just state transfer. I believe that clients need reliable subscription capabilities in order to assess whether their goals have been achieved without polling. This is an asynchronous view of interaction and I see the synchronisation model as a secure underpinning of all possible designs that require asynchronous functioning. Focusing on subscription of resource state rather than building a generic delayed response approach allows caches to get in there and give clients quick answers to what the server's state was just moments ago. This should provide the architectural benefits that REST purports to have without polling (assuming your synchronisation mechanism is not polling-based). When other operations are performed on the resource in question caches along the way should recheck the resource state before passing it on to clients as the current state.
I think the refocus on what clients really want to do with state most of the time (subscribe to it, rather than transfer it) is useful, and allows us to rethink the existing caching mechanism of the internet rather than holding it up at the reason we do things the way we do in REST. I think there is a lot more joy to be had with a "real" synchronisation mechanism for those corners of real application funcationality that don't change at reliable rates and those requests that aren't synchronous.