I first became aware of the existence of Zeroconf some years back as a system for assigning IP addresses in the absence of any centralised coordination such as a DHCP server. It seemed designed for small networks, probably private ones. I already had my own setups in place to cover this kind of configuraton, so my interest was minimal. I've just stumbled across Zeroconf again, this time in the form of Avahi, a userland interface to zeroconf features. Even then, I didn't pay much attention until I hit Lennart Poettering's announcement that GnomeMeeting has been ported to Avahi. The mandatory screenshot shook me out of my assumption that I was just looking at a facility to assign IP addresses. The most important feature of Avahi is service discovery, and all using our old friend the SRV record combined with Multicast DNS (mDNS).
Well, it's nice to know that other people out there are trying to solve the same problems as you are. It's even nicer to hear they're using standard tools. The DNS Service Discovery page contains a bunch of useful information and draft proposals to try and solve just the problems I have been thinking about in the service discovery sphere.
For the kind of infrastructure I work with the main requirement of service discovery is that I can map a name not just to an IP address but to a port number. That's solved by SRV records, so long as standard clients and libraries actually use them. The main architectural contraint I work with is a requirement for fast failover once a particular host or service is determined to have failed. A backup instance must quickly be identified and all clients change over to the backup as soon as possible, without waiting for their own timeouts. This seems to be partially addressed by pure mDNS, as changes to the DNS records are propageted to clients immediately via a multicast UDP message. Unfortunately such messages are unreliable, so it is possible that an portion of the network from zero clients to all clients will miss hearing about the update. Polling is required to fill in the gaps in this instance. Alternatively, the DNS-SD page points to an internet-draft that specfies a kind of DNS subscpription over unicast. This approach parallels my own suggestions about how to add subscription to the HTTP protocol. In fact, it would be viatally important to be able to detect server failure efficiently whenever HTTP subscription was in operation and a backup available. If no such mechanism was in place any HTTP subscription could silently stop reporting updates with noone the wiser that their data was stale.
The parallels between DNS and HTTP are interesting. Both are based on fetching data from a remote host through a series of caches. Both have evolved over the years from simple request/response pairs towards long lived connections and pipelining of requests and responses. I hope that this new DNS-subscribe mechanism gets off the ground and can clear the way for a later HTTP subscription mechanism based on the same sorts of approach. Another hope of mine is that the Avahi project is successful enough to force software developers to make service discovery an issue or be trampled in the herd. The DNS work in this area is mostly pretty good and certainly important to people like me. The server side supports SRV, but the clients are still lagging behind. Additionaly, interfaces that should be appliable to SRV like the getaddrinfo but are not yet using SRV records should be updated where possible. A file should be added to /etc (perhaps /etc/srv) as part of the name resoloution process to support non-DNS use of these facilities without changing code.
I feel that one of the reasons that SRV has not been widely adopted is the complexity not in the initial lookup, but in the subsequent behaviour required after a failed attempt to contact your selected server. Clients are required to try each entry in turn until all fail or they find one that works. In terms of pure software design, it can be hard to propagate an error that occurs in trying to connect to a service back to the code that performed the name lookup to do so. You have to store state somewhere as to which you've tried so far. That's tricky, especially when your code dealing with DNS and service lookup is already horribly complicated. I don't really know whether this kind of dynamic update for DNS would make things better or worse. In one sense things could be more complicated because once DNS says that a service is failed you might want to stop making requests to it. On the other hand, if DNS can tell you with reasonable accuracy whether a particular instance of the service is alive or dead you might be able to do without the state that SRV otherwise requires. You could work in a cycle:
- Lookup name. Get a non-failed instance based on SRV weightings.
- Lookup service. If this fails either report an error, or go back to (1) a fixed number of times
There is obviously a race condition in this approach. If the service fails after the initial lookup or the notification of failure doesn't propagate until after the lookup occurs then looking up the service will fail. Alternatively, a service instance might be restored but still appear to be failed and thus noone will try to connect to it. Additionally, these constant failed and not failed indications propagating across the internet could have detrimental effects on bandwidth. On the other hand, they may prevent more expensive HTTP requests that would otherwise take place. Also, this is not the approach you would take with subscription. Preferrably, you would keep constant watch over whether your selected service instance was still within the living set and whenever it ceased to be so drop your subscriptions and select a new instance of the service. This may add complexity back into the chain, but I still think that relying only on the DNS end of things to determine who you talk to rather than a combination of DNS and the success or failure of attempts to actually reach a service instance would make things simpler overall.
I think this would be an interesting area for further research. I have good feelings about how this would work on a small network with multiple services per host and with multiple instances of your services spread around the network. There may also be benefits at the internet level. Chances are that unless there are internet-scale advantages we'll continue to see existing client libraries and programs failing to really engage with the idea.