The intersection between RDF and REST is one I've had difficulty finding. RDF seems great on the surface, but problems crop up as soon as I try and think of anything to use it for. I think after my previous article on the purposes of REST verbs and content types I can finally put a finger on my unease.
When a client requests a document, it does so with a specific purpose and a firm idea of what it wants to do with it. The first step in processing the input is to try and transform it into an internal representation suitable for doing the subsequent work. If there's one thing that XML is good at, it is transformation. If there's one thing that RDF is good at, it's aggregation. I think that the reason RDF is not yet hit its mark is that transformation is a more important function than aggregation when it comes to most machine to machine interactions.
RDF can be expressed in XML, and many people will tell you what's wrong with the current standard and try to offer alternative solutions. Some will complain that it is overly verbose. My beef is simply that there are too many ways to say the same thing, and when you have multiple representations to deal with on your input side your transformation code must become more complicated. It strikes me that most of the document describing the current rdf/xml standard is used up explaining how you can do things many ways to try and reduce verbosity.
So while it is possible to create RDF-compatible XML that is easy to transform it isn't possible to tell someone simply that your service returns rdf/xml of a particular rdf schema and hope that you're making things easier for them. You're much better off giving them RELAX-NG instead.
Despite this flaw, I still think RDF is useful. Despite it currently being harder than it needs to be to transform, it does make aggregation possible. XML doesn't support that itself at all. So like the previous article's "we use verbs so that caching works" theme, today's theme will be "we use RDF-compatible XML as our content type so that aggregators work". Aggregators are intermediatories like caches or databases that have to hang onto data and its meaning on behalf of clients who might come along later. Even this could have its problems. A pure RDF aggregator would require client software to still be quite complex in order to process (transform) the returned RDF. I suspect that specialised aggregators like those for rss and atom will be more fundamentally useful in the short term. The solution seems to be to improve the transformabilty of RDF generally, although I don't have a fundamentally good answer as to how. The use of rules engines like jena may have some impact.
Of course, this is only about how RDF intersects with REST. I think RDF is proving itself mightily in ther RDBMS sphere. Both client and server applications can back themselves with RDF triple stores that support ad hoc data insertion and query. No central authority has to be in charge of the schema, and this responsibility can be distributed amongst different groups. In fact, I would say that trying to design a database technology these days without considering RDF would be a bit of a waste of time. All the good sql-only databases have been written already, and most of these have also seen the RDF light.