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Sun, 2005-Jul-10

Object-Orientation Without Baseclasses

I've been working on the impedence mismatch between REST and Object-Orientation. It's a thorny issue, and I've come across several RESTafarians who believe the concepts don't mesh at all. I think that some approaches taken so far have tried too hard to make a resource into an object or an object into a resource. My approach is to match O-O and RESTful via a less drastic (or more, depending on your point of view) overhall. I want change an object's model of abstraction from a set of functions into a set of resources. I want to drop the concepts of base classes and class hierarchies altogether. I want to talk about aspects of an object rather than its whole type or its constituent functions.

Queues and Stacks

Let's leave aside the network-oriented views of how REST works for now. Let's just think of a client object and a server object. To interact with an O-O queue, a client object might be presented with several functions:

You could also add other useful functions like checking the size of the queue or examining entries other than the first. You can do the same sort of thing with a REST queue. You just need to think in terms of resources instead of functions:

A POST to the insertion point resource creates a new queue entry. A GET to the beginning allows the client to examine its content. A DELETE to the beginning (or is that a POST, too?) clears the current value and replaces it with a new one. You might even be able to get away with a single resource representing both an insertion and an extraction point. Either way, with a minimum of verbs and a maximum of nameable resources it is possible to achieve the same kinds of abstractions as we're used to in O-O. It would be simple in either model to change the implementation to a stack while maintaining the same set of functions and type or of resources for the use of client software.

Representations, not Types

REST pushes the possibilities a little further forward by using only representations of objects rather than objects themselves as parameters to its verbs. This sets the type barrier that we often see in O-O much lower, so a representation on disk can be applied to an object in memory or be used to create a new object. Objects of different types but compatible representations can be applied to each other. Even incompatible objects which share only small aspects of their representations with other objects can be squeezed together so long as they provide that aspect of themselves as a resource. It is conceivable that both the stack and queue implementations share the same representation, making it possible to copy one into the other without the need for explicit conversion.

Modelling in an O-O language, and Object-Orientation Without Baseclasses

My picture for linking the O-O and REST world views within an application calls for the concept of a resource type. This type can be implemented explicitly as an interface or baseclass or might be implemented implicitly depending on your language of choice. It is important that this single definition capture all verbs that you might want to apply to resources. A simple implementation of this type would accept function pointers, or delegates, or callable objects, or whatever your language supports to map directly back into the O-O paradigm. For example, an object representing an XML document might be composed of one explicit resource and one family of resources. The main one is a representation of the whole XML document which can be PUT, and GET to with the usual outcomes. The second I call a family, because it is infinitely variable via a query. It represents an xpath-selectable part of the document which can also be PUT and GET to, as well as POSTed to and DELETEd. These would map to one function per verb per resource on my XML object. Verbs on the main resource just become PUT() and GET(). Verbs on anything in the xpath family become xpathPUT(query), xpathGET(query), xpathPOST(query), and xpathDELETE(query).

When dealing with the XML document object, you could pass the resource representing the whole object around and have code that can produce XML replace the document with a new one. If you passed around resources representing only a specific xpath-selectable part of the document it would only be that part that was replaced. If your xpath selected a text or attribute node within the XML you could pass that resource to anything that produces a string and have the node value replaced or used in further processing. In the end, you have a single self-consistent object that can expose any aspect of itself it chooses as a resource to be operated on by anything it likes.

When you've had type as a constant friend and enemy for so many years the thought of minimising it in this way can be daunting, but python took the first stab at this approach. It did so by dropping the type modelling for variables and parameters but keeping it for objects themselves. It is still possible to see TypeError exceptions raised in Python because you passed in a DOM attribute node instead of a string, yet the two are equivalent for GETs and mutable variants of string are equivalent for most purposes. By dropping the type barrier further I think we'll find that for the most part we don't really need type as often as we think we do.


So as we remove and reduce the use of exotic verbs and types from the way objects interact with each other we also need to keep in mind the nouns side of things. It's ok to pass resource pointers around within a program until the first time you want to use the result of a resources GET operation as a resource itself. That's when you need a URI space and a means of creating or finding resource objects via the space.

The simplest approach might still be to use your language's object identifers. Python has its id() function. C++ has its pointers. Java no doubt has the same capabilities, as I'm sure I've seen them in the debugger often enough. object:0xfff3673 might be just the ticket to locate your resource quickly. On the other hand you might want to have names that are able to survive serialisation and process restarts. Whichever way you go, you'll also have to deal with that pesky query case that my XML object above makes use of.

So we've identified the resource objects. We also need a resolver object to find resources. To deal with queries, you need an additional object that will return you a resource object to use when provided a query. With a URI that looks like this: "object:path?query" path will resolve to the resource finder object. When you look up the found resource it will most likely call a function on the object that owns this resource that looks something like: object.GET(query). If path turns out to be hierarchical you may also wish to have objects or a class that represent levels within the hierarchy. In my current python prototype I'm using the objects themselves as steps along the path. A few well-named top-level objects are added to the resolver's namespace and python allows easy navigation down the object hierarchy.

What's left?

Well, obviously you need to find the right fit for the kind of language you're using today to make use of any new approach. For myself I'm reasonably comfortable with applying the model generally to Python, C#, Java, C++, and C. I'm more or less comforable with everything except the POST and DELETE verbs. These verbs deal with resource creation and destruction, but because an object is composed of several resources such actions are bound to result in side-effects on other resources. In the XML example I've been using, it would be simple to POST to a factory resource in order to create our XML file. Once we've done that and the POST had returned us the address of the new main URI, how do we find the xpath URI? Several approaches are possible including,

The latter suggestions seem decreasingly restful, but the earlier ones require further thought about how to implement correctly. I'm a little uncomfortable generally thinking about verbs that alter the lifetime of URI, especially after all of the popular O-O languages on earth have just managed to shrug most explicit lifetime managment out of their objects. Refinement of the meaning clients can extract from these and other verbs will be important going forwards. Coming up with new design patterns and examples of how to model certain types of objects using resources will be equally important.

I see significant potential in the overall REST approach for objects. I think that it could suppliment, or even replace O-O design in many areas and in the longer term. In the mean time there is a lot of growing and development to do. I think that seeing it work inside every-day apps could accelerate development of the underlying ideas and improve adoption when compared to the "it only works on the web" mantra. I think that if it really only works on the web then there is something fundamentally broken about it. If it only works on the web, we should be talking about the more Object-Oriented WS-* for web development instead. We at least know that paradigm works somewhere.
