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Tue, 2005-Jul-05

REST versus Object-Orientation (and a little python)

Initial revision: 4 July 2005.
Edit: 5 July 2005. Since I wrote this somewhere between the hours of three and five in the morning I've decided to exercise my right to update its content slightly. I've added a few more points missed in the first publication. Thanks to Ken MacLeod for pointing out weakness in the original version's discussion of global namespaces. Actually, on second reading I've misconstrued his email slightly. His contention is that URIs are more like OIDs (pointers, references, or whatever you happen to call them in your langugage of choice). They are things you can dereference to get to the resource you're after, so aren't comparable to the ideas of a global namespace or of local varaibles. This is an important distinction that I haven't fully considered the consequences of, yet.

I think I'm at the stage where I can now compare REST and Object-Orientation from a practitioner's viewpoint. Now, when most people talk about REST they are referring to its use as a best-practice design guide for the web. When I talk about it I'm speaking from the viewpoint of a developer of modular and distributed software. I speak of web services, and typically not of the use of HTML and web browsers. I speak of software design, not web site design.


From my perspective, the concepts of Object Orientation (OO) and REST are comparable. They both seek to identify "things" that correspond to something you can about and interact with as a unit. In OO we call it an object. In REST we call it a resource. Both OO and REST allow some form of abstraction. You can replace one object with another of the same class or of the same type without changing how client code interacts with the object. The type is a common abstraction that represents any suitable object equally well. You can replace one resource with another as well, almost arbitrarily so without changing how clients interact with it. Resources are slightly finer-grained concepts than objects, though, so when you talk about resources acting as an abstraction you usually need to talk about the URI space (the resource namespace) being able to stay the same while the code behind it is completely replaced. Clients can interact with the new server software through its resources in the same way as they interacted with the old server software. The resources presented represent both equally well.


The main difference in my view is that of focus. Objects focus on type as the set of operations you can perform on a particular object. On the other hand REST says that the set of operations you can perform on resources should be almost completely uniform. Instead of defining new operations, REST emphasises the creation and naming of new resources. As well as limiting verbs, REST seeks to reduce the number of content types in play. You can picture REST as a triangle with its three vertices labelled "nouns", "verbs", and "content types". REST seeks to push the balance well away from both verbs and content types, as close as possible to the nouns vertex. Object orientation is balanced somewhere between verbs (functions) and content types (types, and differing parameter lists). I suspect as we understand and exercise the extremes of this triangle over time we'll learn more about where to put the balance for a particular problem space.

In OO object names are always relative to the current object or to the global namespace. We usually see all access restricted to this->something, param->something or SomeSingleton->something, where something is often a verb. It's hard to navigate more deeply than this level because the way Object-Orientation maintains its abstraction is to hide knowledge of these other objects from you. Instead, OO design would normally provide a function for you to call that may refer to the state or call functions on its own child objects.

REST says that the namespace should be king. Every object that should be contactable by another object should have a name. Not just any name, but a globally-accessable one. If you push this to the extreme, every object that should be accessable from another object should be also accessable from any place in the world by a single globally-unique identifier:

in principle, every object that someone might validly want or need to cite should have an unambiguous address.

-- Douglas Engelbart[1]

In his 1991 design document on naming, Berners-Lee wrote[1]:

This is probably the most crucial aspect of design and standardization in an open hypertext system. It concerns the syntax of a name by which a document or part of a document (an anchor) is referenced from anywhere else in the world.

REST provides each abstraction through its heirarchical namespace rather than trying to hide the namespace. Since all accessable objects participate in this single interface, the line between those objects blurs. Object-Orientation is fixed to the concept of one object behind one abstraction, but REST allows us to decouple knowlede even about which object is providing the services we request. You can see the desire to achieve something of this kind via the facade design pattern. REST is focused around achieving a facade pattern; a kind of mega-object.


The history I am about to describe is hearsay, and probably reflects more closely how I came to certain concepts rather than how they emerged chronologically. You can track object orientation's history back to best practice for structured programming. In structured programming you think a lot about while loops and for loops. You break a problem down by thinking about the steps involved in executing a solution. In those days it was hard to manage data structures, because it often meant keeping many different parts of the code-base that operated on your data structures in sync. A linked-list implementation often had its insert operation coded several times, so when you changed from a singly-linked list to a doubly-linked one it could be difficult to make sure all of your code still worked correctly. This need for abstraction led to the notion of Abstract Data Types (ADTs).

ADTs were a great hit. By defining the set of legal operations on a data structure and keeping all of the code in once place you could reduce your maintenence costs and manage complexity. The ADT became an abstraction that could represent differnt implementations equally- well. The advantages were so important that the underlying implementation details such as member variables were hidden from client code. Avoiding lapses in programming discipline was a big focus.

Object-Orientation came about when we said "This works so well, why not apply it to other concepts?". Instead of applying the technique just to data structures, we found we could apply it whenever we needed an abstraction. We could apply it to algorithms. To abstract conceptual whosewhatsits. We developed Design Patterns to help explain to each other how to use objects to solve problems that still let us keep our privacy and abstractions.

And REST's history?

REST has an obvious history on the web, where abstraction is a fundamental concept. Resources across the web operate through protocols and other mechanisms that force us to hide the implementation of one object from that of another. I think the seeds of REST in "pure" software are there as well.

Let's take Java beans. The properties of a bean are as follows:

  1. Every java bean class should implement interface
  2. It should have non parametric constructor
  3. Its properties should be accessed using get and set methods
  4. It should contain the required event handling methods

I see this as a significant step from an Object-Oriented model towards that of REST. I'll leave aside the implementation of serialisable that allows a representation of the object to be stored, transmitted, and unpacked at the other end. I'll also leave aside the default constructor that must be present to make this sort of thing happen as it should. The real meat in my pie is the use of properties, or as I would call them: Resources.

The use of properties in otherwise object-oriented design paradigms is flourishing. It is much simpler to deal declaritavely with a set of ("real" or otherwise) properties than it is to deal with function calls. Graphical editors find it easier to deal with these objects, and I suspect that humans do as well. By increasing the namespace presence of the object and trimming down the set of operations that can be performed on each precense in that namespace we see that it is easier to deal with them overall. We don't lose any abstraction that we gained by moving to ADTs in the first place because now these properties aren't revealing the internal implementation of our object. They're forming part of the interface to it. When we set these properties or get them, code is still churning away behind the scenes to do whatever the object chooses. The set of properties can represent different types of object equally well.

This is a tipping of the triangle away from verbs and content types towards nouns. I'm sure you can think of other examples. Tim Bray writes, referring to a battle between ASN.1 and XML:

it seems to be more important to know what something is called than what data type it is. This result is not obvious from first principles, and has to count as something of a surprise in the big picture.

Integrated Development Environments

IDEs have recently started to become good enough to use. That's strong praise coming from me, a VI man. Havoc Pennington recently wrote:

The most important language features are the ones that enable a great IDE.

So-called "dynamic" languages such as Python fall short on this mark, because it just ain't possible to for an IDE to examine your program an infer any but the most basic information from it. Python tries to come up with a less formal way of handling type, by essentially saying "if you don't use it, I won't check it". It's still strongly-typed under the covers, though. There are still basic expectations applied to objects you pass in to a function. A string, XML attribute node, and integer aren't all interchangable even if they are parsable to the same number. You just can't know what is expected programatically. Python tips the triangle slightly towards nouns with its intrinsic support for properties, but does not attempt to reduce the number of content types in play.

I think that a more RESTful approach could make things better. By explicitly restricting yourself to dealing with properties rather than function calls, you could create a namespace that represents the entire accessable functionality of your program. As I hinted at earlier, GUI toolkits are alreadying heading the properties way. Once you have as much as possible of your functionality exposed through properties instead of regular function calls, it becomes possible to expose a single namespace that encapsultes this functionality. An IDE could easily work with such a namespace to allow automatic completion, and the thing we all really miss in python: Earlier checking. If you use hyperlinking (complete names rather than constructed names) as much as possible, you can get these hyperlinks checked at construction time if you like. You don't have to wait until you dereference them. To my mind, the simple string should be the main common currency in this world. With garbage collection in play, immutable strings are cheap to pass around and handle. They only need to be processed when they are actually used for something.

How do we make our software more RESTful?

Try exposing your functions as properties or sub-objects instead of functions as you think of them now. Expose a simple set of functions on these properties. Good REST pratice currently says "GET", "PUT", and "DELETE" are most of what you need. You should use "POST" as a "create and PUT" operation. Try giving all such resources globally-accessible names rather than boxing them up. The theory is that other objects will only access them if you hand them a hyperlink (the whole name), so privacy isn't an problem. Use types that are as simple and uniform as possible. I've been trying to get away with just a combination of strings and DOM nodes, although I'm not convinced the latter is a perfect fit.

Any code that accesses this name, verb, and content-type space operate simply using hyperlinks. You may choose to open up access to other URI spaces, such as the http and file schemes. In this way you can hyperlink to and from these spaces without altering the meaning or means of constructing your client code.

To be honest I don't really know whether this will work in the large, yet. I'm trying it out on a program that tries to work as a souped-up glade at present but I have a lot of thinking still to expend on it. I haven't covered the REST approach to event handling in this article, which I think is probably about as hard as it is to describe event handling in any design paradigm. Perhaps another time.


  1. Dan Connolly, "Untangle URIs, URLs, and URNs"