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Sun, 2005-Jun-12

URI Ownership

A URI is a name controlled by an individual or organisation. They get to define a wide sweep of possible constructions and are allowed to map those contructions onto meanings. One meaning is that of the URL lookup mechanisms. Current technology allows a URI owner to vary the IP address that http connections are made to via DNS. DNS also has the capability to specify the port to connect to for a specific service name. It does not specify the protocol to use. That is fixed as part of the URI scheme.

This entry is my gripe list about the SRV records that permit ports to be decided dynamically by the URI owner rather than being encoded statically into the URI itself. I was introduced to this capability by Peter Hardy who was kind enough to respond to some of my earlier posts. Since then I've done some independent research I'd like to put onto the record for anyone still tuned in :)

SRV records were apparently first specified in rfc 2052 in October 1996, later updated by rfc 2782 in Feburary 2000. Its introduction was driven by the idea that the stability and fault tolerance of the SMTP system could be applied to all protocols by enhancing MX Records to deal with services more generically. Perhaps as a side-effect, or as a sweetener for content providers the capability to specify ports other than that normally allocated for a protocol was included. SRV promised to allow providers to move functionality between physical machines more easily, and to handle load balancing and redundancy issues consistently.

Fast forward to the year 2005, and SRV records are still struggling to find acceptance. Despite DNS server support, most client applications aren't coming on board[1]. Despite a bug being raised back in September 1999, Mozilla still does not support SRV. It would seem that content providers have little incentive to create SRV records for existing protocols. Big content providers don't need to have people http connect on ports other than 80, and would find it impractical if they did due to corporate firewalling rules. They aren't concerned about problems in moving functionality between hosts, about redundancy, or about load balancing via DNS. They have their own solutions already, and even if clients started supporting SRV records they would have to hold on to their old "A" records for compatability. With content providers unlikely to provide the records, providers of client software seem unwilling to put effort into the feature either.

The client software question is an interesting and complex one. For starters, the classic name resolution interfaces are no good for SRV. The old gethostbyname(3) function does nothing with ports, and even the newer getaddrinfo(3) function typically doesn't support SRV, although the netbsd guys apparently believe it is appropriate to include SRV in this API. Nevertheless, there is rfc-generated confusion even in pro-SRV circles about when and how it should be used.

To add a little more confusion, we have lists of valid services and protocols for SRV that associate concepts of service and content type instead of service and protocol, separating http for html from http for xul. If you start down that track you might as well give up on REST entirely :)

So what is SRV good for? The big end of town seems to be faring well without and the small end of town (small home and corporate networks) often don't use DNS at all, preferring simple /etc/hosts and /etc/services file constructions distributed via NIS, LDAP, or a proprietary or manual method.

So... I guess I should put together a list of action items. In order to support resolution of port as well as IP as part of URL handling we need to

  1. Use an API that looks like getaddrinfo(3) consistently across our applications and protocols. It must include both domain name and service name
  2. Make sure we use service names that exactly match our URI scheme, eg http and ftp. Don't get into specifying content. That's not the role of this mechansim.
  3. Add support to getaddrinfo for SRV records
  4. Specify the use of SVR records as preferred for all protocols :) Don't wait for an update of the HTTP rfc!
  5. Add support to getaddrinfo for an alternative to our current /etc/hosts and /etc/services files, or an augmentation of them. This alternative must be in the form of a file itself and must be easily distributed via the same means
  6. Perhaps also add support for per-user resolution files

Interestingly, DNS already has mechanisms to allow dynamic update to its records. If it were to be used an application started as a user could update part of a selected zone to announce its presence. There would definately be some security implications, though. Unlike the typical network situation where a whole machine can be assumed to be controlled by a single individual, ports on localhost could be opened by malicious peer individuals. On seeing that a particular user has port 1337 in use, the attacker may open that port after the user logs out in the hope that the next login will trigger the user to access the same port. The trusted program may not be able to update resolution records quickly enough to prevent client applications from connecting to this apparently-valid port. As well as clients being validated to servers, servers must be conclusively validated to clients. This may require a cookie system different to the traditional one-way web cookies.

Back on the subject of resolution, it may be possible to set up a small DNS server on each host that was used in the default resolution process. It could support forwarding to other sources and serving and update of information relevant to the local host's services. It need not listen on external network ports, so would not be a massive security hole... but convincing all possible users to run such a service in a mode that allows ad hoc service starting and registration may still be a stretch. They may already have their own DNS setups to contend with, or may simply trust /etc/hosts more.


[1] Except for Microsoft products, strangely...