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Tue, 2005-Apr-12

A considered approach to REST with RDF content

I wrote recently about beginning to implement a REST infrastructure, and had some thoughts at the time about using RDF as content to enable browsing and crawling as part of the model. This is a quick note to tell you what I've come up with so far.


URIs in RDF files can be dereferenced by default, and you will usually find RDF content at the end point. Other content can also be stored, and you can tell the difference by looking at the returned Content-Type header.


GET to a URI returns an RDF document describing all outgoing arcs from the URI. The limits of the returned graph are either the first named node encountered, or the first cycle. The graph's root is "about" itself. A simple object with non-repeating properties is represented something like:

GET /some-rdf HTTP/1.1

<MyClass rdf:about="">
<MyClass.myReference rdf:reference=""/>

From this input it is possible to crawl over an entire RDF data model one object at a time. The mode itself may refer to external resources which can be crawled or left uncrawled. From this perspective, the RDF model becomes an infinitely-extensible and linkable backbone of the web and can replace HTML in this role.


A PUT should seek to set the content of a URI without respect to prior state. In this case, I believe this should mean its semantics should attempt to create the subject URI. It should remove all existing assertions with this URI as the subject, and it should establish a new set of assertions in their place:

PUT /some-rdf HTTP/1.1

<MyClass rdf:about="">
<MyClass.myReference rdf:reference=""/>

If PUT was successful, subsequent GET operations should return the same logical RDF graph as was PUT.


While PUT should seek to set the content without respect to prior state, POST should seek to supliment prior state. To this end, it should perform a merge with the existing URI graph. The definition of this merge should be left to the server side, but in general all arcs in the POST graph should be preserved in the merged graph. Where it is not valid to supply multiple values for a property or where conflict exists between new and existing arcs the new arcs should take precedence.

PUT /some-rdf HTTP/1.1

<MyClass rdf:about="">


DELETE should seek to remove all outgoing arcs of the URI, possibly erasing server knowledge the URI as a side-effect. Incoming arcs should not automatically affected, though... except as the server chooses to enforce referential integrity constraints.

Where we are now

I believe this gives us a fairly simple mechansim for uniformly exposing object properties such as the properties of a Java bean. Beans can then behave as they consider appropriate in response to changes. They themselves may propagate changes internally or may make further http requests. Interally, there should probably be an abstraction layer in place that makes the difference invisible (by hiding the fact that some objects are internal, rather than hiding the fact that some are external). Under this model objects can interact freely with each other across platforms and across language barriers.

Now, the big question is whether or not I actually use it!

So far I've been using an XAML encoding for object properties. It looks something like this:

<MyClass xmlns="" attr1="foo" attr2="bar">
<MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty> baz </MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty>

With RDF it would look like this:

<MyClass rdf:about="" xmlns="">
<MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty> baz </MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty>

or this:

<ex:MyClass rdf:about="" xmlns:ex="" ex:MyClass.attr1="foo" ex:MyClass.attr2="bar">
<ex:MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty> baz </ex:MyClass.myWhitespacePreservingProperty>

I have two problems with the RDF representation. The first is simple asthetics. I like my XAML-based notation with object attributes in XML attributes. It's simple and easy to read I don't even have to refer to an external RDF namespace. The fact that XML attributes don't fall into the default namespace of their enclosing elements does not help things, meaning each must be prefixed explicitly. The second is transformation. Throwing all of those namespaces into attributes means I have to seed my XPath engine with QName prefixes like "ex:". I'd really rather deal with no namespaces, or just one. Internally I'm actually merging this information with a DOM that contains data from many other sources as well. Some are gathered over the network. Some are from user input. In merging these document fragments together I want to avoid removing existing elements (processing may be triggered from their events), and so my merge algorithm attempts to accumulate attributes for a single conceptual object together to be applied to beans or other objects.

Hrrm... I'm not making a very strong argument. I'd just feel happier if the XML rdf encoding treated @attr1 as equivalent to the sub-element ClassName.attr1 in the parent node's namespace. That would fit better to object encoding. Leave the references to external namespaces to explicit child elements and let the attributes stay simple.

Oh, well...
