Again, I think it comes to the number of paths through a piece of code. Adrian points out that Java uses garbage collection (a practice I once considered at least a bit dodgy for reasons I won't go into here, but have warmed to somewhat since using it in python), and that garbage collection makes things much simpler in Java than they would be in C++. I have to agree. A consistent memory management model across all the software written in a specific language is a huge step forward over the C++ "generally rely on symmetry but where you can't do that: hack up some kind of reference-counting system...".
After his analysis I'm left feeling that exceptions are at worst half as evil than those of C++ due to that consistent memory management. Leaving that aside, though, we have the crux of my point. Consider the try {} finally {} block. C++ has a similar mechniam (that requires more coding to make work) called a monitor. You instantiate an object which has the code from your finally {} block in its destructor. It's guaranteed to be destroyed as the stack unwinds, unlike dynamically-allocated objects.
Unfortunately, in both C++ and Java when you arrive in the finally {} block you don't know exactly how you got there. Did you commit that transaction, or didn't you? Can we consider the function to have executed sucessfully? Did the exception come from a method you expected to raise the exception, or was it something that (on the surface) looked innocuous? These are all issues that you have to consider when using function return codes to convey success (or otherwise) of operations, but with an exception your thread of control jumps. The code that triggered the exception does not (may not) know where it has jumped to, and the code that catches the exception does not (may not) know where it came from. Neither piece of code may know why the exception was raised.
So what do I do, instead?
The main thing I do is to minimise error conditions by making things preconditions instead. This removes the need for both exception handling and return code handling. Instead, the calling class must either guarantee or test the precondition (using a method alongside the original one) before calling the function. Code that fails to meet this criteria effectively gets the same treatment as it would if an unhandled exception were thrown. A stack trace is dumped into the log file, and the process terminates. I work in fault-tolerant software. A backup instance of the process takes over and hopefully does not trigger the same code-path. If it does though, it's safer to fail than to continue operating with a known malfunction (I work in safety-related software).
The general pattern I use to make this a viable alternative to exception and return code handling, though is to classify my classes into two sets. One set deals with external stimulus, such as user interaction and data from other sources. It is responsible for either cleaning or rejecting the data and must have error handling built into it. Once data has passed through that set objects no longer handle errors. Any error past that point is a bug in my program, not the other guy's. A bug in my program must terminate my program.
Since most softare is internal to the program, most software is not exposed to error handling either by the exception or return code mechanisms. A small number of classes do have to have an error handling model, and for that set I continue to use return codes as the primary mechanism. I do use exceptions, particularly where there is some kind of deeply-nested factory object hierarchy and faults are detected in the bowels of it. I do so sparingly.
I'm the kind of person who likes to think in very simple terms about his software. A code path must be recognisable as a code path, and handling things by return code makes that feasible. Exceptions add more code paths, ones that don't go through the normal decision or looping structures of a language. Without that visual cue that a particular code path exists, and without a way to minimise the number of paths through a particular piece of code, I'm extremely uncomfortable. Code should be able to be determined correct by inspection, but the human mind can only deal with so many conditions and branches at once. Exceptions put a possible branch on every line of code, and that is why I consider them evil.