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Sat, 2004-May-29

Micrsoft's Service Oriented Architecture

I've just skimmed an article discussing entity aggregation in Microsoft's Service-Oriented Architecutre. I don't really have the brain-power to throw at its detail right now, so I'm left with a little bit of confusion as to whether SOA is a real technology or a set of "best practices".

Regardless of the concreteness of SOA as a technology it does appear to have some interesting synergies with the way I've been thinking about creating information architecutres.

Essentially the framework seems to come down to this:

The aggreation is what this article was focused on. Something I thought was particularly intersting is that the architecture of the aggregator is very similar to the architectue of the gnucash Query Object Framework (QOF). You have means of querying through the aggregator to the silo web services, and a means of updating the data in the back-end stores. There's an option for various levels of replication between the aggreagor and the back-end services.

The thing that's happening, there, does seem to be the right one. I'm not sure how to define the query mechanisms, yet, but maybe I don't have to. When it comes to transactions there are a few complex queries that can be codified as function calls, and less common simple queries that could probably be expressed as xpath. The xpath could be translated to sql by the transaction management service to adapt onto an sqlite database.

I'm more and more heading into the domain of web services with my thinking. I guess I'm not sure why, really. I like the sound of being able to transplant these data stores to any machine on the network and to be able aggregate and update data from highly disparate sources without having to rethink the kind of API you're coding to.

Modern implimentations of the .NET web services allow you to target web services as your platform, but then be able to open up IPC capabilities that follow a less heavy-weight encoding of the transmitted data. I guess that by targetting web services my hope is that I'll create a scalable solution that will still be able to apply to the smaller scale.

With a fairly clear idea of my technology-base in hand I suppose I should begin actual work on this project soon. My first target will be to create a web service that allows the creation, reading, update, and deletion of transactions. It should allow a query for all transaction entries that relate to a specific set of accounts, a query for transaction entries between two sets of accounts, and an xpath query processor.

Subsequent data islands will be the data island describing all account metadata (probably RDF-based), a data island for budgeting information, a data island for accessing stockmarket information, and other data islands for scheduled transaction handling (a very difficult-to-define application).

The last thing I want to do before I being working on this (which will begin with learning some new languages methinks) is to have a good hard look at gnue, the gnu CRM suite written in python. I just don't know enough about it yet to decide whether I'll be just duplicating work they've already done or whether what I want to do is genuinely new.

Now, if only my wife didn't want to get back on the computer...