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Sat, 2006-Jan-14

The Efficient Software Mailing List

Subject: [es] Free Software is Efficient Software

The Efficient Software initiative is growing slowly, but surely. We now have a wiki <>, an irc channel (#efficientsoftware on, and this mailing list. The post address is efficientsoftware at, and archives can be found at <>.

We are looking forward to making positive connections with software projects, as well as lawyers, businesspeople, accountants, web site maintainers, and many more. To make this thing a reality we need to form a diverse community with a broad skill set.

The thing that will bring us all together is a desire for more efficient software production and maintanence. We can undercut the current players in the industry, and make a profit doing it. We can turn the weekend free software soldiers into a lean regular army with full time pay. We can match customer needs and pain to a speedy resolution. These are the goals of the Efficient Software Initiative.

Welcome to the community!

To join the mailing list, see the EfficientSoftware Info Page. A big thankyou goes out to Robert Bachmann for offering to host the list.
