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Wed, 2006-Jan-04

Efficient Software FAQ

Efficient Software has launched its FAQ, currently still on the main page. From the wiki:

Why start this initiative?

Too much money is being funnelled into a wasteful closed source software industry. Initially it is investors money, but then customers pay and pay. Profits to major software companies are uncompetatively high compared to other industries. We want to funnel money away from the wasteful industry and towards a more productive system of software development. Free software can be developed, forked, changed, and distributed without waiting on unresponsive vendors. Free software is open to levels of competition that cannot be matched by the closed source world. Free software contributors don't have to be on any payroll in order to fix the problems they care about. Free software does not maintain the artificial divide between customers and investors. The people who contribute to the development of a free software project are its customers, and all customers benefit when bugs are fixed or enhacements are carried out.

What do projects have to gain?

Our goal is to increase the money supply to projects. Money is not a necessary or sufficient factor in developing free software, but it cannot hurt. Projects often accept donations from users, but it is unclear how much users should give or what their motiviations are. Efficient Software aims to tie a contribution to services rendered. Whether the services are rendered immediately or a year from now is inconsequential. Efficient Software maintains a money supply that can be tapped by projects when they fix the nominated bugs.

Won't this drive the wrong bugs to be fixed?

Projects will nominate which state a bug has to be in for Efficient Software to accept payment. Bugs whose fix would contradict project goals should never be put into eligable states and will never recieve contributions. One way of thinking about the money involved is as bugzilla votes. The difference is that modern world currencies tend to have low inflation rates and limited supply. There is evidence across a number of fields that when people commit money to a goal they tend to make decisions more carefully, even if the amount is small. If your project's money supply has a wide base, the dollar value next to each bug should be a reasonble estimate of the value to users in getting it fixed. This information system alone could be worth your while becoming involved.

What should projects do with the money?

Efficient Software was conceived around the idea that projects would pay developers for the fixes they contribute through a merit-based mechanism. We have some thoughts about how this could work in practice, but we will need to develop them over time. In the end, projects are required to make their own "opt in" decision with Efficient Software and their own decision about how to distribute the money. This policy will be made available to contributors in case it may affect their investment decisions.

What if a project marks bugs verified just to get a payout?

Projects are free to mark bugs verfied under their own policy guidelines. We do not get involved, except to publish those guidelines to investors alongside other policies. However, beware that any investor who has contributed any amount towards a bug will have their say on whether they believe the resolution was in the overall sense positive, netural, or negative. Cumulative scores will be available to potential investors in case this may affect their investment decision.
