hAtom is currently stalled, awaiting a meeting of minds on the subject of css class names. I have been using the progress of hAtom and the related hAtom2Atom.xsl (Luke's repo, Robert's repo) to soak up excess energy over the first two weeks of my three week holiday. With that on hold I have energy to burn on two further projects. One is my old attempt at building a home accounting package. The other is trying to reason out a business model for paid free software.
Free Software is Efficient Software
Free software is a movement where the users of a piece of software are also its contributors. Contributors are secure in knowing the benefits they provide for others by their contribution will flow back to them in the form of contributions from others. With a reciprocal license such as the GPL a contributor knows their code won't be built upon by their competitors in ways that give their competitors advantage against them.
If everyone contributes to the same baseline the community of contributors benefits. The interests of the majority of contributors are served the majority of the time. When the interests of the group diverge, forking appears. These forks are also produced efficiently by body of contributors who remain on each side of the forked divide. Noone has to start from scratch. Everyone still has access to the original code base. Patches can still be transferred between the forks in areas where common need is still felt. If the reasons for divergence disappear, the contributor pool can even fold back together and form a common base once again.
Free software is not just a hippy red socialist cult. It is a free market of excess developer hours. Developers contribute, and gain benefits for themselves and for others. Projects are run efficiently along lines contributors define either explicitly or implicitly. The fact that so much free software has been developed and used based primarily on the contribution of individuals' spare time is a testament to how much can be achived with so little input.
Contributors of Money
Contributions in the free software world are almost exclusively made in terms of working code, or theoretical groundings for working code. There are areas such as translation for internationalisation and web site design and maintenence that come into it as well... but this is primarily a market for excess skills that are not exhausted in the contributor's day job. I see free software's efficiency as a sign that it can and should displace closed software development models in a wide range of fields. One way in which this might be accelerated is if a greater excess of skills could be produced. Perhaps your favourite web server would get the feature you want it to have faster if you paid to give a software developer an extra few hours off their day job.
There are reasons to be wary of accepting money for free software, but I think we can work around them. Full time paid staff on a free software development can gratis developers away, so we should pay our developers in proportion to the needs of money contributors that they meet. Boiled down to the essence of things, a money contributor should pledge to and pay the developer who fixes the bugs this contributor wants fixed. That's capitalism at work!
Running a Macro-money system (the business model)
In practice, the issue of resolving which individual should be paid what amount is more complex than matching a contributor to a developer. Perhaps the reviewer or the applier of the patch should get a slice. Perhaps the project itself should, or the verifier of the bug. I delved into some of the issues invovled in my earlier article, "Open Source Capitalism". I think there is a business to be made here, but it isn't going to be done by making decisions at this level. This is a project decision that should be made by projects. The business model at our global level is simple:
- Set up an eBay-style website
- Allow free software projects to sign on to be part of it (sign some up before your launch!)
- Allow followers of the registered projects to identify bugs, and attach money to them
- Monitor the bug tracking systems of each project, and pay the project out when the bug is verified
Two sources of income are available, percentages and earned interest. It seems reasonable to take a small cut of any money transferred through the site to cover expenses. Requiring money to be paid up front by contributors has several advantages, including the project doesn't achieve its goal only to find no reward waiting for it. The benefit to us, however, is the income stream that can be derived through interest earnt on unpaid contributions. Depending on the average hold time of a contributed dollar this could account for a reasonable portion of costs, and if excessive might have to be paid back in part to projects. If the business model is workable at all, keeping costs low from the outset will stave off competition and build project and contributor loyalty.
Projects define policy as to who (if anyone) money acquired in this way is distributed to. Projects also define policy on which bugs pledges can be placed upon (typically, only accepted bugs would be allowed), and when a bug is considered "verified". Policies must be lodged with the website and available for contributor perusal before any contributions are made. Contributors who feel their bugs have been resolved well can leave positive feedback. Contributors who feel their bugs have been resolved poorly or not resolved can leave negative feedback. These ratings are designed to ensure projects provide clear policy and stick to it, however all contributions are non-refundable barring special circumstances.
I don't know the legal status of all of this, particularly the tax implications or export control implications of dealing with various countries around the globe. Expert advice would certainly be required and money invested up front. Community outrage at the suggestion would also be a bad thing. Discussions and negotitions should occur early and the project probably can't proceed without gnome, kde, and mozilla all signed up before you get into it. Another angle of attack would be to sign up sourceforge, however they may see the system as a competitor of sorts to their paypal donations revenue stream. If you were to sign them up I think payments to sf projects would have to go via the sf paypal.
Consider this an open source idea. I would love to be involved in making something like this a reality, but I don't have the resources to do it myself. In fact, I don't necessarily bring any useful expertise or contacts to the table. Nevertheless, if you are in a position to make something like this happen I would like to hear about it. I might want to buy a share, if nothing else. Dear Lazyweb: Does anyone have a wiki space that could be used to develop this concept?