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Sat, 2005-Oct-22

Selling developer hours (generalising the AJ market)

Anthony Towns updates us on the status of the AJ market. He's a free software developer who is heavily involved in the Debian project.

Putting money in the market

I believe Anthony is hoping to do a number things with this market. Benefits that he might be able to achieve include:

These are all benefits that putting money and an economy into the system should be a good means of achieving. You want a new feature but can't do it yourself? Put your money where your mouth is and pay the man who can. A market that uses a low-inflation commodity to send signals between buyer and seller should provide accurate information about what most needs achieving. In a free software world commodities of money and developer time are both low inflation so probably both have a role to play.

Possible problems with AJ's market

Such an economy does need to be of sufficient scale to keep noise low. At the dollar figures AJ has reeled in so far it is an even bet whether the information he is recieving about customer demands is representative of his userbase or not. He may also not sending effective signals back to buyers about what is possible given the time available. His market information bulletin doesn't indicate how much he expects to be paid for any of the items in his todo list. He doesn't quote hours estimates and the bids are not for hours but features of possibly irregular size. Without a mechanism where AJ is able to say "I'm not willing to do this work for less than..." the market is only a one-way information system. These problems may be shaken out with time or prove irrelevant as obviously this market is very new indeed.

I wish, I wish

I've occasionally dreamed about a market like this myself. A nobody in the free software movement like myself would probably not get very far marketing in this way, at least initially. That has put me off investing any significant time in a model. I've tended to dislike the service-orientated redhat or mysql business models. I think these approaches encourage paid developers to think in terms of the services they are going to provide rather than in terms of the quality of the software. This could actively work against software quality by encouraging turnkey "just works" features to be excluded as reducing the value of services that might otherwise be provided. It may be better to use business models that directly encourage end user solutions that are of the highest quality necessary to do the job.

Problems with the proprietary approach

Proprietary software development is based around the production of a feature set that can sold over and over again. In the case of companies like microsoft this can lead to huge profit margins, which equate to inefficiency in the economy as a whole. If features have already been developed then making businesses pay for them over and over again is counter-productive. The amount that the business can spend on its own needs is reduced by the paying of licence fees while the software company itself is not solving new problems for the business. An efficient model would see the software company make a fair profit on the costs to produce features for other businesses while retaining the incentive to produce new features and further improve the productivity of their customers. Software companys that aren't producing more and better efficiency improvements for their customers should wither and die.

Problems with the free approach

In any free model you either need to get the money to produce features up front or you need to make the money back on services. As I mentioned earlier I'm not a fan of the services avenue, although I admit this can be a handy revenue stream. AJ's market attempts to make the money up front because once the work is done and is freely distributed there isn't going to be any more money coming in for that feature or efficiency improvement. Proprietary companies can afford to take a loss during development and make the money up later in sales. Free developers must be paid in advance.

As a free developer you really have two choices:

  1. You team up with an entity with deep pockets that wants your software
  2. You provide a means for collective entities with deep pockets to form

We see the first choice at work in services companies. They are willing to pay developers so that they can earn dollars providing services and addons to the software developed. The problem dealing with an entity of this type is that greed will eventually change your relationship. The company will want to see something from the development that its competitors don't have. This desire may conflict with a free software sensibility. It may only be "we want to have this for six months before everyone else". That's how copyright and patents work, of course. From experience with those two vehicles we know that companies will inevitably want longer and longer periods attached. It may come in the form of "we want this proprietary addon". The only counters to these forms of greed would be outrage in the customer community who really don't want the lock-in.

The second approach is that of AJ's market. Try to attract ad hoc collectives who want a feature to supply small contributions to the goal. To get as many people together as a proprietary company does with its license fee model may be a difficult feat, but you know that you're working towards real customer needs when a large number are willing to supply even small amounts.

The role of eXtreme Programming

Earlier in this article I critisized AJ for not supplying estimates for work and thus not providing adequate feedback to buyers in his economy. I've actually always seen this kind of market through the XP model and viewed it alongside the bounty system sometimes seen in free softare. The basic framework would consist of the following stages:

  1. Define a set of concrete, testable goals
  2. Allow bidding for a concrete non-inflationary commodity towards those goals
  3. Work for the highest bidder according to the amount of commodity bought
  4. Allow goals to be changed and rebid

This approach would accomodate two-way feedback between buyer and seller, including allowance for goal correction should the costs begin to outweigh the benefits of a particular unit of work. I propose the following implementations of each stage:

  1. Definition of testable goals
    Buyers should be able to submit goals to the seller. Seller should make appropriate adjustments to keep scope within a basic regular time period, such as splitting up the work into smaller units. Sellers should ignore or negotiate changes to goals that fall outside the basic project charter. Sellers may also propose and lobby for their own changes and may submit free hours towards goals they are passionate about.
  2. Bidding

    I think AJ has the basic bidding structure right. A bid is an actual payment of dollars rather than a promise of dollars. An alternative model would be to do an eBay-style bidding and invoicing separation where only the work with the highest return would be invoiced. Due the the nature of this work where weeks may pass between the first pledge of money for a particular bug and the actioning of work associated with the bug an invoicing system is probably too complex with the additional complication of having to price in non-payment.

    I think that bidding should be in the form of dollars for hours. Both are non-inflatable commodities and a fair average price should be able to be determined over the longer term. It should be possible to compare the hourly rate over a long period of time for trends and it should be possible for buyers to see what other people think an hour of your time is worth. Buyers may also submit code they hope will reduce or eliminate the effort required to fulfil their chosen goals.

    In my view, the best way to achieve a dollars for hours bidding model is to associate an estimate with each bug. Buyers make payments indicating their preferred bug. The payment total is divided by the estimate to produce an hourly rate. The seller works on the bug with the highest available hourly rate.

    The problem with bidding dollars for hours is how to handle inaccurate estimation. You could spend the estimated hours, pocket the money, and update the estimate for the bug. That might strain relations with your userbase and probably requires refunds for bugs that take less than the allotted time to resolve. Another approach would be for the seller to wear the risk of inaccurate estimates by always completing the work regardless of budget overrun. This would encourage the seller to underpromise, which is usually a good thing for a seller to do.

  3. Working
    There should be clear targets for time worked and the tests for completion should be defined by buyers as part of the goal definition. These should be prioritised so that the most important tests are met early. Bidders should be able to be tracked and contacted during the purchased time for clarification to ensure that the most applicable work is produced.
  4. Rebidding
    Goal changes should be made as necessary with the winning bidders for your time. Once the won hours have been expended buyers may choose to bid for more hours towards their goal or may abandon the goal as uneconomic.


Maybe someone can make use of these ideas. Maybe one day I'll be able to make use of the myself :) In the end software freedom should act as a contract to ensure successful bidders don't get a leg up on each other and that all market forces are openly played out. I hope that great free software may come out of a collective monetary process in the future. At present we have a system based on bidders paying with their own hours, and that's great... however it would be nice to see people with money be able to play the game as well and most importantly it would be nice to see free software being able to be created professionally without the need for paid services to fund the professionals
