Depending on your standpoint you may have different ideas about how long a subscription lease should be. From an independent standpoint we may say that infinite subscription leases are the best way forward. That produces the lowest overall network and processing overhead and thus the best result overall. There are, however, competing interests that influence this number downwards. It is likely the lease should be of finite duration and that duration is likely to count more on the reliability of the server and the demands of the client than on anything else.
As a server I want to free up resources as soon as I can after clients that are uncontactable go away. This is especially the case when the same clients may have reregistered and are effectively consuming my resources twice. The new live registration takes up legitimate resources, but the stale ghost registration takes additional illegitimate resources. I want to balance the cost of holding onto resources against the cost of subscription renewals to decide my desired lease period. I'll probably choose something in the order of the time it takes for a tcp/ip connection to expire, but may choose a smaller number if I expect this to be happening regularly. I don't have an imperative to clean up except for resource consumption. In fact, whenever I'm delivering messages to clients that are up but have forgotten about their subscriptions I should get feedback from them indicating they think I'm sending them spam. It's only subscriptions that are both stale and inactive that chew my resources unnecessarily, and it doesn't cost a lot to manage a subscription in that mode.
As a client, if I lease a subscription I expect the subscription to be honoured. That is to say that I expect to be given timely updates of the information I requested. By timely I mean that I couldn't get the information any sooner by polling. Waiting for the notification should get me the data first. The risk to a client is that the subscription will not be honoured. I may get notifications too late. More importantly my subscription might be lost entirely. REST says that the state of any client and server interaction should be held within the last message that passed between them. Subscription puts a spanner in these works and places an expectation of synchronised interaction state between a falliable client and server.
Depending on the server implementation it may be possible to see a server fail and come back up without any saved subscriptions. It might fail over to a backup instance that isn't aware of some or all of the subscriptions. This would introduce a risk to the client that its data isn't timely. The client might get its data more quickly by polling, or by checking or renewing the subscription at the rate it would otherwise poll. This period for sending renewal messages is defined by need rather than simple resource utilisation. The client must have the data in a timely manner or it may fail to meet its own service obligations. Seconds may count. It must check the subscription over a shorter duration than the limit it itself can have on how out of date its data may be under these circumstances. If it is responsible for getting data to an operator console from the field within five (5) seconds it must check its subscription more frequently than at that rate, or someone must do it on their behalf.
Non-failure subscription loss conditions may exist. It may be more convenient for a server to drop subscriptions and allow clients to resubscribe than to maintain them over certain internal reconfiguration activities. These cases are potentially easier to resolve than server death. They don't result in system failure so the owner of subscriptions can notifiy clients as appropriate. It must in fact do so, and once clients have recieved timely update of the end of their subscriptions they should be free to attempt resubscription. It is server death which is tricky. Whichever way you paint things there is always the chance your server and its cluster will terminate in such a way that your subscriptions are lost. Clients must be able to measure this risk and poll at a rate that provides adequate certainty that timely updates are still being sent.