Over the last month or so my collegues and I have been going through a small modernisation process at work. This involves picking up a few new pieces of software that themselves have no dependencies and including them into our software base (and our safety cases). Much of the work is still at a prototype stage, and the goals are varied (one is the production of a new HMI).
We don't pick up new technology very often, and whenever we do it tends to be what others might consider old technology. I spent the last two days adding a custom plugin interface to thttpd in order to provide RESTful (polling-based) XML data from our system without resorting to using CGI or third-party software containing more than a few thousand lines of C-equivalent code. If this part of the prototype pans out it should free me up in selecting solutions for the actual HMI side (it's always easier to say "use HTTP" instead of "link against this library, make sure you call the right init functions...."). As to whether it will pan out, that's a little up in the air. Even if it doesn't, it's gratifying to get SCADA and train control data into a form you can view easily in mozilla. A little XInclude and XSLT should be all that's required to put together a web page for simple management functions. Performance is reasonable, too. My initial CGI hack took .19 seconds for wget to retrieve a single datum. The plugin interface does it in approximately .01 seconds.
XML is making my life easier. We've already had an arms-length association with gnome's libxml2 and libxslt through the xsltproc program we use to generate some of our source code from XSLT templates. The relationship was close enough to require coverage in our last safety case, the success of which adds weight for its inclusion in our software proper. I've also been looking a little higher up the tool-chain and am definately considering the use of SVG to define shapes on schematic displays.
XForms is also a technology that's piqued my interest. Byron breifly compared and contrasted XForms 1.0 and WebForms 2.0 in a recent blog entry from the perspective of a web content provider. He mentions the promised inclusion of XForms in Mozilla, but also of interest to me is the recent announcement of inclusion in openoffice 2.0. These are positive steps for the standard and seem to imply that it is not too complicated to be usefully implemented.
In my business, though, I think the best I can hope for is to develop a forms capability "inspired by" XForms. There's no way I could pull in the mozilla technology stack as part of my HMI. The connection between XML Schema and XForms puts it even further from my roadmap with libxml2 only supporting XML Schema in limited ways. It seems that outside the windows world and the rarified air of w3.com many prefer Relax NG.
XForms itself obviously wouldn't solve my HMI problem. The problem is not well-defined, but does include aspects of forms entry, list handling, schematic (and iconic) data representations, and fast (non-polling subscription) updates. That combined with infinite configurability for project needs starts to look a little daunting if you stare it stright in the eye. The development of the HMI will continue to be an interesting and poorly-defined problem for the forseeable future with pressures and expectations beyond our capabilities, but I'm sure I'll get there with something useful in the end.