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Wed, 2011-Feb-09

Jargon in REST

Merriam-Webster defines jargon as . In or REST-style there are really two different levels where jargon appears:

Jargon (within a service inventory)
Methods, patterns of client/server interaction, media types, and elements thereof that are only used by a small number of services and consumers.
Jargon (between service inventories)
Methods, patterns of client/server interaction, media types, and elements thereof that are only used by a small number of service inventories.

Jargon has both positive and negative connotations. By speaking jargon between a service and its consumers the service is able to offer specific information semantics that may be needed in particular contexts. The service may be able to offer more efficient or otherwise more effective interactions between itself and its consumers. These are positive features. In contrast there is the downside of jargon: It is no longer possible to reuse or dynamically recompose service consumers with other services over time. More development effort is required to deal with custom interactions and media types. Return on investment is reduced, and the cost of keeping the lights on is increased.

Agility is one property that can both be increased and reduced through use of jargon. An agile project can quickly come along and build the features they need without propagating these new features to the whole service inventory. In the short term this increases agility. However, the failure to reuse more general vocabulary between services and consumers means that generic logic that would normally be available to support communication between services and consumers is necessariy missing. Over the long term this reduces the agility of the business in delivering new functionality.

The REST uniform interface constraint is a specific guard against jargon. It sets the benchmark high: All services must express their unique capabilities in terms of a uniform contract composed of methods, media types, and resource identifier syntax. Service contracts in REST are transformed into tuples of (resource identifier template, method, media types, and supporting documentation). Service consumers take specific steps to decouple themselves from knowledge of the individual service contracts and instead increase their coupling on the uniform contract instead.

However, a uniform contract that contains significant amounts of jargon defeats the uniform interface constraint. At one level we could suggest that the world should look just like the HTML web, where everyone uses the same media types with the same low-level semantics of "something that can be rendered for a human to understand". I would suggest that a business IT environment demands a somewhat more subtle interpretation than that.

That the set of methods and interactions used in a service inventory should be standard and widely used across that service inventory is relatively easy to argue. Each such interaction describes a way of moving information around in the inventory, and there are really not that many ways that information needs to be able to move from one place to another. Once you have covered fetch, store, and destroy you can combine these interactions with the business context embodied in a given URL to communicate most information that you would want to communicate.

The set of media types adds more of a challenge, especially in a highly automated environment. It is important for all services to exchange information in a format that preserves sufficiently-precise machine-readable semantics for its recipients to use without guessing. There are far more necessary kinds of information in the world then there are necessary ways of moving information around, so we are always going to see a need for more media types than methods when machines get involved.

The challenges for architects when dealing with jargon in their uniform contracts are to:

  1. Ensure that the most widely used and understood media type available is used to encode a particular kind of information, at least as an alternative supported by content negotiation. This significantly reduces coupling between services within an inventory and between service inventories as they each come to increase coupling on independently-defined standards instead of their own custom jargon.
  2. Ensure that the semantics of jargon methods and media types are no more precise than required, to maximise reusability. In particular, if the required semantics for a field are "a human can read it" then no further special schema is required. This approach significantly reduces coupling between sender and recipient because the recipient does not have to do any custom decoding and formatting of data before presenting it to the human. Changes to the type of information presented to the user can be made without modifying the recipient's logic.
  3. Every new method, interaction, media type, link relation, or any other facet of communication begins its life as jargon. Warnings against jargon should not amount to a ban on new features of communication. When jargon is required, set about on a strategy to promote the new jargon to maximise its acceptance and use both within a service inventory and between service inventories.
  4. Feed back experience from discovered media types into information modelling and high level service design processes to maximise alignment between required and available semantics. For example, vcard data structures can be adopted as the basis for user information within data models used by services.

Only by increasing the quality of agreements and understanding between humans can our machines come to communicate more effectively and with reduced effort. It is the task of humans to reduce the jargon that exists in our agreements, to increase our coupling to independently-defined communication facets, and to reduce our coupling to service-specific or inventory-specific facets.
