I have been working lately on a number of architectural descriptions, and have been using the 4+1 style as part of these descriptions. This has been an interesting experience for me, because I have previously worked more in the technical sphere. These descriptions remain quite abstract, to the point that they end up exposing a level of Service-Orientation (or perhaps just component-orientation) but do not reveal that REST is the architectural style used for implementation.
The 4+1 style was originally proposed by Philippe Kruchten of Rational (and later IBM) fame. 4+1 is consistent with IEEE 1471's advice that architectural descriptions be broken up into multiple views. The principle is that it is impractical and confusing to use one diagramming technique or one style of description in summarising an architecture. Multiple views are required to meet the needs of different stakeholders.
Philippe's 4+1 main views are:
- Logical,
- Development,
- Process, and
- Physical (also known as Deployment, to avoid confusion with the term Physical Configuration Audit)

These views all typically describe static arrangements of elements. The +1 view is Scenarios, allowing for the demonstration of example modes or uses of the architecture in a more dynamic view. The Logical View is all about requirements analysis. This is the view for exploring and expanding on this design's requirements baseline. The other views provide a narrative that relates this requirements analysis to the final design, and views that design from a number of different perspectives.
The main goal of my architectural descriptions has been to come up with a well-formed list of components and interfaces for further expansion in other documents. In my case components are either configuration data, libraries, or application software. Interfaces could be internal, external, or human/machine. To this end, I have defined a set of components across the design views to show how they appear in terms of their runtime, build-time, and deployment-time relationships. I have used the functional decomposition of the Logical View to guide and partition the design through the other views.
The Logical View covers the functional requirements of the system, and is closely related to the approach of Systems Engineers to the problem of design. The Process View is intended to show how threading and multiplicity work to achieve non-functional requirements. I use this view as the "main" design, showing run-time relationships. Build-time relationships appear in the development view, and essentially model the Configuration Management environment in which the software is developed. I have used the final Deployment View to plan how components are packaged up for deployment onto particular classes of machine. This view can also be used to show a final (but abstract) view of how target hardware is connected together in service.
There isn't a great deal of information on 4+1 out there on the Web, so I plan to produce a series of articles covering the different views and diagramming techniques I have personally been employing. I have adapted 4+1 slightly to my own needs, and where I have knowingly done this I will attempt to distinguish between the "real" 4+1 and my own tweaks.